2/52 Baby Dimples.

Lalo turned four this week.  Most days I can’t believe how fast it went.  Some days can’t seem to go fast enough. He has grown to be a remarkable, caring, creative and funny little guy.  One of his birthday presents is to ride the Silver Train (Amtrak) to Dearborn and Gramps will pick us up and take us to Lalo’s Museum (The Henry Ford).  We couldn’t go ON his birthday, so I drove him up to see the train at the station on his actual birthday and then we grabbed some hot cocoa (since it was -20 with windchill…)


This picture speaks volumes to me.  Probably many mamas can relate. These little hands would reach for my face when he was just a babe, would grab for my hair, my nose and my lips.  Eventually he would crawl to me and reach up to have me hold him, in time he would toddle towards me and grab my hand for steadiness.  Now he is confident in his balance but will still reach for me when he needs reassurance or when I tell him we are crossing a parking lot.  When I reach for him he still more often than not he will place his growing hands in mine.  Soon this will change and he will tell me he doesn’t need to hold my hand and this mama isn’t ready.  I need to get ready for soon he will not be holding a hot cocoa and a super pup but a strong black coffee (just like his mama) and a brief case.

This picture of him warming his hands I can still see his precious baby dimples.

They are less pronounced but still there.

Someday soon they will be completely gone but forever etched in my heart.  My prayer is my sweet boy continues to use his hands for comforting, creativity and connection.  I pray for this sweet boy that I can be the Mama he not only needs but deserves.

Happy Birthday my sweet Eduardo.  For while you grow all I can do is smile and hope you know just how much I love you.  AP6_6349-3

1/52 The Beginning

So Rico and I have decided to challenge ourselves to a 52 project this year (one post a week 🙂 ) with once a month focusing on a skill that is more challenging.

As much as I am excited about our new challenge I think sometimes we get overzealous in our ‘New Year, New You’ planning and immediately feel overwhelmed by the greatness of the challenge.  Then, instead of putting one foot in front of the other we feel paralyzed and doomed to fail.

My hope for this year is we can sit in front of our great aspirations and instead of feeling like we are going to fail before we even begin, that we can remember that the greatest journeys begin with the first step.



2015-01-04_0001We took Lalo to the Henry Ford Museum NYE this year and while it took a little coercing to get him to take this picture, I feel like it is so symbolic of my feelings of this potentially great and magical year before us.  I hope that I can sit in wonder and awe and look at the potential this year has and drink it in like he does with this ‘steamies’.

To 2015!